Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Swimming styles

I've always enjoyed swimming. There's something about water that I find quite magical, the way it can change shape and bend light, and when I look out upon oceans and seas my heart races a little when I comprehend that sheer size of what lies in front of me. 
Swimming is the nearest thing I can think of that is so close to flying, at least for something as heavy as me anyway.  Swimming as close to the sea bed or pool floor as I can for half a minute or so, as sun beams shoot through from above, utter bliss.
Recently I've been watching other swimmers in the local pool, each length swimming behind a different person. Every individual swam differently. There was a woman who never moved her arms, but kicked her legs twice for each breast stroke. Another man arced downwards in a 'U' shape  after every stroke before kicking himself to the surface. Others swam with little or lots of leg pounding on a freestyle, another with arms alone and no leg movement. Kicks that created no bubbles and others that made it impossible to see. It's something I've only noticed recently and now can't stop. I find myself wanting to see how these people walked, ran, ate, wondering if there would be a link between the swim and other activities. 
I found myself trying to copy these people as I swam behind them, and virtually every time I found it incredibly difficult. We all learn to swim, but all do it differently, how wonderful.

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